Keeping sight of what's important

The health of your eyes matters to you and it matters to us to, which is why Look Eyecare decided to invest in state-of-the-art technology.
OCT – Ocular Coherence Tomography – is an advanced eye scan. Similar to an MRI scan or CAT scan, OCT uses light to illustrate the different layers that make up the back of your eye. It allows us to ‘ see below the surface’.
The OCT takes a digital photograph and a 3D cross sectional scan of the back of the eye. The scan in non-invasive, painless, quick and simple.
This highly advanced screening system allows us to see, sometimes for the first time, problems within your eye that could not be detected before. This will revolutionize not only the detection of potentially serious conditions such as glaucoma, diabetes, age related macula degeneration, vitreous detachments but also monitorring of these conditions as the software can automatically detect even the most subtle changes to the retina with every test you take, which gives you an invaluable ongoing record of the health and condition of your eyes. This allows you better treatment options and a better visual outcome.
There is an extra charge for the OCT scan, but the benefits are obvious. So you can enjoy the peace of mind that comes from knowing that your eyes are in great condition.
Ask today when you book your appointment to include the scan or discuss it with Look Eyecare first.