Keeping sight of what's important
Your New Patient Journey
Your safety is our priority – these are the measures we have put in place to ensure we keep you safe in our practice…
A lot has changed since we last welcomed you all into the practice and we are working very hard behind the scenes to ensure all our patients and staff members are kept safe. We want to share how we are going to do this with you.

Always call us before you visit on 028 90 629 222
Please telephone to make an appointment no matter the reason.
We will have to ask you a few questions about your visit.
Please arrive at the exact time of your appointment.
If you arrive early we may not be able to let you in, as another patient may still be in the practice.
If you arrive without a prior booking, we may not be able to see you.
Please come on your own, unless a parent, guardian or carer needs to be with you

All visitors will be asked to wear their own face covering
Please note that this does not have to be a surgical mask.
Children under the age of 11, people with disabilities or breathing difficulties or those accompanying someone who relies on lip reading are exempt from wearing a face covering

Hand sanitising station
As soon as you enter, please clean your hands using the sanitising station

One person in and one person out for certain appointments
For eye examinations, dispensing and collections we will have a one in and one out policy to ensure social distancing requirements are met.

PPE for the Optometrist
The Optometrist will be fully equipped with PPE.
Other staff members will be wearing PPE if they need to get closer to you

2 metre social distancing in place
We will limit the number of people in the practice to ensure that you are never crowded.
When possible please remember the 2-metre separation from everyone as you move about the practice.
Maintain a safe separation from everyone wherever possible.

We will be cleaning our glasses and surfaces more than usual.
When you try frames on, instead of putting them back on the shelf, give them back to us.
Each frame will be sanitised so they are clean before going back on the display and ready for the next person to try on.